Renta car Ibiza. In Ibiza Classy Concierge we offer automobiles of any class, from small capacity to luxury cars which for a reasonable price will enable you to visit any high-end place on the island and fully enjoy your experience. Everyone knows that the mediterranean island of Ibiza is famous for having a variety of night clubs and expensive restaurants, and of course visiting them on a luxury car would be a dream of many. If you pick your car through Heaven of Ibiza, your arrival will definitely be noticed and that night will stay in your memory for a long time. In order to rent a car you will need to give us a copy of your driving license and a copy of your credit card. In case you are renting an elite car, you will be required to make a deposit of 500-3000€ depending on the car class. Rental rates exclude 21% VAT and fuel. All the vehicles are new and insured against all risks (insurance terms vary depending on a car).